by Shelia Niles, 30-B-2 FPE

Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex, by David Ruben, MD, Y5570 Bantam Book, New York. $1.95 (paperback) 420 pp plus 12 inded (1969)

Subtitled "But were Afraid to Ask," this book comes pretty close to living up to its provocative title. In addition, the authoor has a sense of humor (a rare trait among medical experts). Mostly, the book is of no more interest to TVia readers than to ordinary people, but there are a few pages that show a fair degree of enlighten- ment about us. Pages 173-5 cover our concern with authentically feminine garments, as opposed to our lack of interest in kilts etc., and the dangers of femme-dressing under the male clothes. Pages 185-7 present a rather negative picture of transsexualism, though that word is not used for some reason. Both these appear, oddly, in the chapter on "Male Homosexuality." Back on pages 225-7, in the chapter on "Sexual Perversion," we come off a bit better; Dr. Ruben does make it clear that not all transvestites are homosexual, and gives our type rather a good rating. For example, he says that most wives of transvestites "approve of this hobby," which is a bit strong- er than I would have put it. According to my observations, about 25% tolerate the "girl" because they love the man literally "for better or worse," but about 95% would be quite pleased if she got lost.

So it's not an FP book, but it's not a bad bargain either even at this fancy price. Why, I remember when paperbacks only cost but there I go, dating myself again!